Some thoughts on Nutrition and how you may view food.
"Man does not live by bread alone..." - Matthew 4:4 This may the battle cry of those who insist on dieting. However, without proper planning and a good nutritional guide, a diet is bound to fail and bring down one’s health in the process. Definitely, we should not live to eat, but neither should we live to be a model dress size. There is more to life than how you look and what you eat. When the Bible talks about eating, it is more for the nourishment of the body; and studying is nourishment for the mind. It emphasized both equally, and we should take heed. Dieting is not a bad activity to undertake until we start taking it to the extreme. If that happens, then we’re playing around with our health, and possibly our lives and the people who love us. This may sound trite right now, but regrets usually come too late. Are you willing to take that chance? How often do we try to fool ourselves by saying we’ll just take small meals, but sneak in junk food in ...