“Cardio” as a Fat Loss Solution? 🤔
The first thing many people go to when they think of losing weight is “cardio”--- otherwise known as aerobic exercise. You know, you exercise vigorously by riding fast on a bike or going out for a run, and that makes you breathe harder, increase the uptake of oxygen, and your heart beats faster. The oxygen uptake is the aerobic part and the increased heartbeat is the “cardio” part. That’s old news. Yes, aerobic exercise can have some effect on weight loss when combined with wisely selected dietary intake. But it can backfire on you. Cardio, or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, is only one of the pieces of a more complicated puzzle, and if you miss the bigger picture, you will miss your goal. What can go wrong? Many women make the mistake of undereating and overdoing cardio! If you exercise aerobically, beyond your body's ability to provide regular fuel, the body reaches into muscle tissue and as you lose weight, you lose muscle! By losing muscle through excessive...