Sh*t happens But Why does Sh*t always happen to you?
Thank you Terri O! for pointing this out to me. The fact of life is that “bad luck” doesn’t exist. We CREATE it. If you feel like life never goes your way, then you’d better take a step back and do a little soul-searching. Are you making these classic mistakes? Bad Habit #1: The Pity Party The main problem people with “bad luck” have is that they’re always trying to invite others to the pity party . “My day was so horrible,” they’ll say. Then they’ll run through the laundry list of things that went wrong that day – from burning a slice of toast to getting a flat tire. And you know what? Things will continue to go horribly wrong as long as you’re in that loser mindset. Bad Habit #2: Time Management People who are late all the time are rarely happy . They cause so much undue stress it’s unbelievable! The people who are last in the bread line don’t eat when the food runs out. Those who fail to get up before noon miss out on countless busin...
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