Some thing to think about!
Hello Fitness family, One question I often get asked is... Clarence, How many days a week should I workout? I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question. Let me first answer your question with a question. (Something I learned from my clever daughter Angelina who wins every argument) How many days a week do you take a shower? Let me ask you another question..... How many days a week do you brush your teeth? I'm really hoping you answered every day. Now that you admit to brushing your teeth and taking a shower every day, let me ask you another question. Just a couple of hundred years ago, did our ancestors brush their teeth and take a shower every day? Highly unlikely? As a matter of fact... NOPE We didn't have running water till the 1930s. And as far as the toothbrush is concerned... The toothbrush was developed in the 15th century. So over the years, we've have trained ourselves to AUTOMATICALLY take care of our hygiene. It's a NON NEGOTIABLE....